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Report from the first Peace Procession

Over 30 people gathered on a rainy Sunday to walk for peace from Westminster Cathedral (top picture) to the Edith Cavell Statue, just north of Trafalgar Square (bottom picture).  Edith Cavell was a nurse and humanitarian, who was executed by firing squad in Germany on 12th October 1915 for helping soldiers of both sides to escape the squalor of World War One.

The campaigners, from all faiths and none, were joined by Brian Haw and David Gould, whose step-daughter Helen Katherine Jones was killed on a Piccadilly line train at Kings Cross during the bombing of the London underground in 2005. They stopped on the way at Downing Street where a petition demanding a peace plan was handed into Gordon Brown and at St Martin’s in the Fields in Trafalgar Square (middle picture). See the Indymedia report for some great photos of the event by Terry.

Monthly peace procession to start in October

The first of a regular monthly peace procession, calling for an end to war and occupation, will take place on Sunday 5 October 2008 in London.

The peace procession will start at Westminster Cathedral, stopping at Parliament Square and Downing Street, finishing at St Martins in the Fields, Trafalgar Square. The time of the procession will be announced shortly. Everyone is welcome to come and take part in the procession – it is for all faiths and none, for everyone who cares about humanity and peace and wishes to demand an end to the destruction and suffering caused by our own country’s actions.

  • 1.30 meet outside Westminster Cathedral on piazza. Join in prayers for peace, forgiveness and reconciliation.
  • Depart 2pm
  • Proceed to Westminster Abbey, and Methodist Central Hall, then on to Parliament Square
  • Group photo of ‘petition’ written on a roll of wallpaper, with signatures from all over the world.
  • 3pm – 3.30pm Present ‘ We Demand a Peace Plan ‘ petition to Downing Street. This petition is to highlight the point that there is no peace plan for the Middle East because one does not exist.
  • We then continue on to Trafalgar Square and gather at the Edith Cavell statue, near St Martins-in Field for a vigil.

We hope you will be able to come along….

Next procession….Sunday 2nd November 2008.

A REAL Peace Plan!

We demand a REAL peace plan for the Middle East NOW!

We say:
NO to the illegal occupation of Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan
NO to the funding of war and occupation
NO to the arms trade that fuels conflict
NO to the suffering and loss of life that war creates

We will be organising an online petition and a regular peace procession from Westminster Cathedral.

General Strike 11 September

The Peace Strike joins the 11 September US General Strike against war.

PeaceStrike shares solidarity with and the GENERAL STRIKE called for on the 11th September 2008. We support the idea of the non-violent peaceful withdrawal of labour in order to empower ourselves and be taken seriously by our governments. We, the majority of the people around the world, do not support wars against innocent civilians who our governments choose to call our enemy. We will be listened to, we will not be ignored.

WE SAY NO TO ALL WAR! We will be on strike in London at the following locations on 11 September: USA Embassy Grovesnor Square (24 hour peace camp September 7th – 14th)* Peace Strike at Parliament Square Westminster (24 hour ongoing peace campaign).