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The battle of the flags

Police have been arresting Tamils waving their national flag in Parliament Square. Maria from Peacestrike has been testing the legality of this by standing outside New Scotland Yard and arguing it out on film when confronted by officers. Maria has now been arrested twice for holding the flag. See more on this unfolding story

ON STRIKE AGAINST GENOCIDE: Wednesday 29 April 2009

Make your stand, take a day off work, nursery, school, college, university, and gather in Westminster.

Wednesday 29th April from early… all day

“On Strike Against Genocide”
Westminster,  London SW1

To support the Tamil community in Britain whose relatives are under seige in Sri Lanka. So many of the people who have been protesting in Parliament Square over the last 4 weeks have relatives and friends among the many thousands of civilians who have been killed.

Doctors have warned that the Tamil student, Prarameswaren Subramaniam, who has been on hunger strike in Parliament Square for 21 days in protest at the Sri Lankan governments military assualt, may have only a week to live.

Enough is enough…….

Afganistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza, Sri Lanka……when will the voice of the people be heard! We are opposed to the senseless, endless killing that Governments around the World seem to promote. We have no arguments with civilians we have never met, from any nation. We are tired of all these labels that are associated with the latest “enemy”.

The political world needs an “enemy” and seems to promote war. Centuries of conflict show that it is the ordinary person that becomes the victim of war, regardless of which side they are on. We also makes the biggest sacrifice with life and limb. We allow ourselves to become “killing machines” supplying armies with soldiers that kill people because they are “ordered to”. We lose our humanity and often our sanity.

The business of war is madness. The Arms Trade is the trade of evil. Let’s not be part of the whole nasty business. We want our Government to administer with responsibility and care. We want a Government to plan for the greater good, all equal and free.

Let us all support the – “Strike Against Genocide”.

No matter to whom, “Genocide is Genocide”.

We have never been given a vote to go to war as they know good people would say “NO!”

Let’s vote with our feet and say “NO TO GENOCIDE” loud and clear to our Government.

Walk around and see the sights…Big Ben, Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey, Westminster Bridge, Whitehall, Downing Street, Trafalgar Square.

Dress ordinary. This is not a march or protest. We are individuals “On Strike” and are free people to visit where we like.

Be prepared for long day and bring food and drink and warm clothes for later during the day.

Check weather forecast for rain, you may need umbrella or waterproofs!

The message of our strike is to say “Listen To The People”.

Genocide is an emergency and the Governments, United Nations and International Community fail in their duty of care, to act in time to save life.

Take this opportunity to make a stand and redress the issue. The time is right, the time is NOW!

Sri Lanka genocide….Gaza genocide ……war with Iran?………


Tamil Blockade at Parliament

As Parliament was sitting again after having been absent from Westminster for Easter holidays, Tamil people and their supporters in London stepped up their protests on Monday 20th against the military onslaught in the Tamil areas of northern Sri Lanka. Thousands of people blocked Parliament Square for the whole day, whilst large numbers of police and riot TSG forces in standby-by kept a close eye. Read more

Peace Strike continues to support the Tamil protests as GLA restricts protest

SOCPA, the Tamils, and the grass
In a move reminiscent of the farcical GLA fences prior to Nelson Mandela’s visit, and at the time of the Burmese protests in summer 2007, the Tamil protest in Parliament Square is being marginalised by the GLA and police while thousands die in Sri Lanka. Read more from Indymedia…

Support the Tamil protests

The Peace Strike is supporting the Tamil protestors in Parliament Square – see press releases below.

For coverage of the demonstrations:

Please join the march tomorrow and show your support:
Saturday 11th April, a march to call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Sri Lanka.

For background to the Tamil situation:

Lets show our solidarity

Friday 10 April 2009


3.30pm, FRIDAY 10 APRIL 2009
A delegation of Tamils will deliver a petition to 10 Downing Street with the Liberal Democrat MP Simon Hughes in an attempt to get the UK government to intervene in the crisis in Sri Lanka.

Yesterday, a British women who escorted a delegation of Tamil women to Downing Street was arrested under the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 which prohibits demonstrations without police authorisation.

Maria Gallastegui was arrested about 7pm last night after she would not leave Downing Street until the delegation had seen a representative of the Government. She was told that no-one was available to see them as there are all on holiday. Ms Gallastegui was held by police overnight and released, without charge, at 12 noon today. She said:

“We went to Downing Street because the situation is an emergency. There are two young men on hunger strike in Parliament Square who are in a critical condition.

“All these people have been outside Parliament for days yet the British Government are on holiday and can not be contacted. There is an emergency below decks that needs to be dealt with but it appears that no-one is even steering the ship.

“We went to our neighbours, the government, to appeal for help for the hundreds of thousands of people in Sri Lanka who are in grave risk, but they are all on holiday. There is clearly no political will to address this issue.”

There will be a major demonstration on Saturday 11th April calling for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Sri Lanka.

For background to the Tamil situation:

Hunger striking in the snow

Press: Hunger striker urges action against Israel relationship

Maria in 4th week of hunger strike

“If Israel does not lift the blockade, there is going to be no resolve for peace.”

Maria Gallastegui, who has been on hunger strike for over 3 weeks opposite the Houses of Parliament in London to protest against the situation in Gaza, will protest at the Prime Minister’s door on Tuesday 3 February at 11.30am.

Maria started the hunger strike on the 12 January – the day that MPs and Lords returned to Parliament – and has been taking in only liquids since. There is a large banner opposite Parliament displaying the number of days the hunger strike has continued.

On Tuesday morning, Maria will, for the fourth week since she started the hunger strike, take her demands to 10 Downing Street at the same time as Ministers assemble for the Cabinet meeting. She will personally deliver a petition to the Prime Minister.

As well as demanding an end to arms sales to Israel and that a war crimes tribunal is instigated, Ms Gallastegui will be demanding that the UK government do all that it can to stop the economic blockade of Gaza. She said, “If Israel does not lift the blockade, there is going to be no resolve for peace.”

Maria to take protest to Prime Minister’s door on 16th day of Hunger Strike as Cabinet meets

Come and Support!

Meet from 8am in Parliament Square (next to hunger strike banner)

This Tuesday, Maria Gallastegui will be on the 16th day of her hunger strike opposite the Houses of Parliament protesting against the situation in Gaza. She will be personally taking her demonstration and demands up to 10 Downing Street at 8.30am as Ministers arrive for the Cabinet meeting.

Maria started the hunger strike on the 12 January – the day that MPs and Lords returned to Parliament – and has been taking in only liquids since. There is a large banner opposite Parliament displaying the number of days the hunger strike has continued.

Maria says, “The hunger strike is an act of protest to highlight the unacceptable atrocities perpetrated on the people of Gaza. The Israeli forces have deliberately targeted civilians, have used ‘White Phosphorus’, and are suspected of using depleted uranium, which will have devastating effects for decades to come. As with the attack on Lebanon in 2006, there has been total disregard for human life. The civilians must now struggle to survive in the wreckage. A ceasefire may be in place but we demand an end to the blockade that has made life for people in Gaza so difficult for two years, an end to the sale of arms to Israel by the UK government and that those who committed these war crimes are held responsible and punished.

“We each need to continue to be outraged and to continue to speak out. Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza. Will it be Iran next? For the people of Gaza we bear witness to this great injustice.”

For photos and reports on the hunger strike see

Watch a short film taken on day 5 of Maria’s hunger strike.

Peace Strike supports Vigil for Gaza

A continuous Vigil for Gaza started in Parliament Square on Thursday 8 January to to call for an immediate end to Israel’s military assault on Gaza and an end to the blockade and siege on Gaza.

The vigil is supported by the Peace Strike. Please come and join the vigil whenever you can. See here for more details.

Maria protests at Prime Minister’s door on 16th day of hunger strike

On the 16th day of her hunger strike, Maria demonstrated at No.10 Downing Street for over 2 hours as Ministers came for the Cabinet meeting and left again.

Maria was demanding:
1. an end to the blockade
2. an end of arms sales to Israel
3. an international tribunal to investigate Israel’s war crimes

Watch a film of Maria as she prepares to take her protest to the Prime Minister.

See press article: Woman in Gaza hunger strike pledge

On the whole Maria has received very little interest from the press for her courageous action but she was able to contribute to the call for the BBC and Sky to broadcast the appeal for Gaza – see here.

Top photo credit: Richard Keith Woolf